$10000 за ремонт исправного Macbook

cnews.ru — Специалисты авторизованных сервисных центров Apple не смогли определить неисправность ноутбука MacBook и принялись менять один компонент за другим. Итоговый счет за ремонт достиг $10 тыс. но в итоге ноутбук так и не заработал. #пользователи_apple_должны_платить
Новости, Компьютеры | pyth2000 13:39 13.06.2019
3 комментария | 83 за, 1 против |
#1 | 15:23 13.06.2019 | Кому: Всем
Не тратил он никаких денег, это ремонт по гарантии был.
С каждой перепечаткой эта котоламповая история обрастает новыми подробностями...
#2 | 15:25 13.06.2019 | Кому: Всем
When the photographer Greg Benz started having issues with his MacBook Pro, he did what most people would, and brought the $7,000 high-end machine in to Apple for repairs, he said in a blog post.

The issue: Benz's MacBook Pro display wouldn't turn on and remained dark no matter what he did. Not even Apple could figure it out. Benz went two weeks without his work machine while Apple twice replaced the computer's logic board (the board that contains the machine's important chips), as well as some cable replacements.

Eventually, Apple decided to just replace the MacBook Pro with a fresh unit, similarly valued at $7,000. Fortunately for Benz, his original laptop was under warranty, so he didn't have to pay a dime. But he estimates that if he did have to foot the bill, it'd have cost him about $10,000 — which tracks with my own experience trying to replace a Mac's logic board.
#3 | 15:25 13.06.2019 | Кому: Всем
Ебучие блять тупые журналисты, горите в аду.

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