Глава СНБО Украины заявил об отсутствии пленных

lenta.ru — в сбитом самолете Ил-76
Новости, Политика | Mr. Maximus 10:44 09.02.2024
1 комментарий | 72 за, 0 против |
#1 | 11:17 09.02.2024 | Кому: Mr. Maximus
> Кроме того, глава СНБО призвал не быть категоричными в утверждении, что именно Вооруженные силы Украины сбили самолет.

Да? Даже карманные американские журналисты признали:

"Publicly, American officials will not comment on what brought down the plane, though officials who spoke privately on the condition of anonymity said the reports of a Patriot missile being used were accurate.

The question of who was on the plane is less clear. American officials have not confirmed the identities of the passengers, but they said it appeared probable that at least some of them were Ukrainian prisoners. U.S. and Ukrainian officials say Russia may have overstated the number of deaths.

If there were prisoners on the plane, as appears likely, American officials said the loss of life was regrettable.

Ukraine seems to have acted based on legitimate but flawed intelligence. The plane had previously been used to transport missiles, making it a high-value target for Kyiv, according to Western officials briefed on the intelligence."

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