Пиво не только вкусно, но и полезно!

earth.com — Доказано китайскими учёными. см. в первом
Новости, Наука | NickRomancer 07:26 05.09.2023
1 комментарий | 43 за, 1 против |
#1 | 10:25 05.09.2023 | Кому: Всем
Конечно китайские учёные тактично умалчивают о том, что в многие сорта китайского пива китайские пивовары добавляют формалдегид, чтоб пивасик дольше не портился. А формалдегид, это консервант вызывающий рак.

Пишут, что, вроде, добавлять формалдегид запретили, но зная китайцев....

This month, Beijing's respected Global Times newspaper published an article claiming that about 95 percent of China's domestically produced beer contains the chemical formaldehyde, much of it exceeding the nation's standards by a factor of six.

The paper printed its expose alongside a letter from an anonymous reader who "wanted the public to know" that the use of formaldehyde as a stabilizer had become "an unwritten rule" among many Chinese breweries. "There is only one reason," the letter said. "Formaldehyde is the cheapest!"


China's beer industry, the most prolific in the world, yesterday struck back at reports that 95 per cent of domestically bottled beer contains formaldehyde.

The chemical, famously used to preserve Damian Hirst's controversial dead cows and known to cause cancer, does play a part in the brewing process, but does not pose a threat to public safety, Xiao Derun, director of the beer branch of the China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association, told China Daily yesterday.

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