Очередное дно пробито Московским кинофестивалем

kp.ru — Советский офицер ВВС влюбился в рядового: В фильме «Жар-птица» главные роли влюбленных в друг друга солдат сыграли украинец и англичанин Только один вопрос, обязательно синимая свои развлечения помоить форму солдат советской армии?
Новости, Медиа | Vladimer 10:52 10.05.2021
1 комментарий | 47 за, 1 против |
#1 | 11:15 10.05.2021 | Кому: Всем
немножко погуглил про мужеложество в британской армии во и сразу после wwii.

"1,813 servicemen of all ranks were tried by courts-martial for indecency in the Army, the
RAF and the Navy between 1939 and 1945 and there were 1428 convictions.37 However, a total
of 5, 896,000 men served in the three forces between 1939 and 1945.

Under military law and specifically the 1879 Army Act and the 1881 Regulation of the
Forces Act, homosex between men in the Army was punishable under section 18 (5) of the
regulations by the key phrase ‘disgraceful conduct of a cruel, indecent, or unnatural kind’.30 As
under civil law, men could be punished for sexual contact (defined as ‘buggery’ or any other sexual
act between males), any attempts to ‘be party to the commission of any act of gross indecency with
another male person’, attempts to ‘procure the commission of any such act [and] to do any grossly
indecent act in a public place, or to publicly expose the person, or exhibit any disgusting object’.31
In the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy, the charges were laid in exactly the same terms,
although Navy personnel could not be punished under naval law for homosex that occurred
onshore.32 They could, however, be punished under civil law."

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