
lenta.ru — США "потеряли" в Ираке и Кувейте оружие на миллиард долларов.
Новости, Политика | Malganus 22:15 24.05.2017
1 комментарий | 67 за, 0 против |
#1 | 22:33 24.05.2017 | Кому: Всем
Если быть точным, то в отчёте Минобороны США идёт речь не о физических потерях, а о бардаке в документации:

Цитата из отчёта, о котором идёт речь:

"Further, officials from the 1st TSC, 524th CSSB, 336th CSSB had to manually input and update equipment data into multiple spreadsheets. They also had to create shipping and accountability documentation for large volumes of equipment transitioning through Kuwait to Iraq for transfer to the GoI. For example, when equipment arrived in Kuwait, it was manually entered into a receiving spreadsheet and an accountability spreadsheet. When a fragmentary order was issued to move equipment to Iraq, 524th CSSB personnel had to manually create the shipping documentation that could be automatically generated by a system. The manual input of large amounts of data increased the risk for human error and inaccurate visibility and accountability documentation for equipment worth over $1 billion."
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