Амер. доброволец рассказывает как еле сбежал из Украины

idiod.video — Видео на английском. "Сначала разбомбили русские, потом укропы попытались послать в Киев без оружия и снаряги. Когда мы отказались, дали пня и сказали уматывать, пока нас не застрелили. На границу ехали на скорой. Там всех мужиков в снаряге останавливают, рвут паспорта, отправляют назад. Еле вырвались. Не едьте туда!" В 1ом комменте дам полный любительский перевод.
Видео, Общество | Аристарх 12:08 16.03.2022
1 комментарий | 121 за, 4 против |
#1 | 12:58 16.03.2022 | Кому: fswl
> вот бы еще пруфчики что чел реальный солдатик

Есть пруф не конкретно про него, а про "иностранный легион" в целом от человека, который там точно был и сбежал, на реддите, комменты шикарнейшие, (хотя очень жаль что многое по удаляли):


> Jesus that's terrifying, glad you're out of there man so many people seem to have dived in without knowing what they're in for.

> Yeah man, I'll admit I was a little naive myself even having seen some combat previously. I did not expect to be attacked by jets while sleeping in a barracks room on a training base 10 miles from Poland

> War is no joke,this ain't no Afghanistan or Iraq where you fight some poorly equipped jihadis , Russians they got pretty decent jets and missiles

> I think a lot of western combat veterans will be very surprised. I don’t mean to discount their experiences, but simply put being on the receiving end of heavy artillery or any sort of air power is not something that they’re likely to have experienced. It’s just not the sort of conflicts that western nations have been in.

> Imagine going to a war in a country you know nothing about, with cultural and historical intricacies you will never fully get, with not only a language you don't understand the slightest but an alphabet you can't read, with no knowledge of the facts on the ground, only, and just only, because you get your news from 2 minute clips on Instagram designed to trigger an emotional response.

> Wake up call to the LARPERs and war tourists on this thread: Russians got air power and nato isn't coming to save you lmao

> did the Ghost of Kyiv not work that night?

> GET THE FUCK OUT EVERYONE WHILE YOU STILL CAN. The idiot i argued with 2 days ago about not going there because Russia has precisely this kind of weapons was probably there and now is dead.

> Yeah its all the propaganda and false hope people are getting. Maybe if the truth about what's really going on is posted, instead of the Ghost of Kyiv and pickle jar lady destroying drones, maybe people will reason that there is actual war going on and its not all rainbows and sunshine.

> Definitely a possibility. Many prior military volunteers were from NATO countries and served in Iraq/Afghan. I was keenly aware of their firepower but still surprised when I was dealing with it. But how does one prepare for getting nailed by cruise missiles anyways you know lol?
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