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youtu.be — Нью-Йорк, США. Местные пишут, что имеется пострадавший - случайный очевидец, госпитализированный с ожогами в тяжелом состоянии. Деловитый поджигатель скрылся, относительно мотивов пока никаких версий.
Видео, Разное | tazuja 14:13 31.07.2018
1 комментарий | 72 за, 0 против |
#1 | 14:13 31.07.2018 | Кому: Всем

Bulls Head, Staten Island-- Police are looking for the man in this video who they say intentionally set a fire at the BP gas station on Richmond Ave near Victory Blvd, at approximately 1:50 a.m. on Monday. In the video, the suspect can be seen filling a can with gasoline, then spraying gasoline around the can; police say he ignited the gasoline by throwing a burning piece of paper on it. The gas pump's fire suppression system kicked in after the fire started and put it out. A 21-year-old man who was on in the vicinity of the pump when the flash fire started suffered internal injuries and was removed to Richmond Universty Medical Center in serious condition, according to officials. The NYPD said the suspect in the video is dark- skinned and arrived at the station in a blue minivan. Contact nypdcrimestoppers.com to submit any tips on this incident. ( Video: NYPD)
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